Saturday, February 16, 2008

Crazy Paultard Comment of the Day: You focus an fanciful foolery while Rome Burns.

Fools and their rights are soon parted.

You focus an fanciful foolery while Rome Burns.

The Economic Catastrophe that Ron Paul has forewarned is upon us. His monetary understanding will be vindicated in 2008.

May your children reap what you sow.

I vote for virtue; I vote for Ron Paul.

Posted by: PainfullyAware on January 23, 2008 2:46 AM

Damn us for focusing on our fanciful foolery. Can we not see that Ron Paul has forewarned us in capital letters that the sun is about to collide with the earth! Why stand ye gazing halfwitted! Let us burn the opposing candidates for I swear forsooth that they are witches and have had congress with the beast.

Can't you just see this guy wearing sandals and a robe and holding up a big oversized sign filled with misspelled quotations from the Bible and Locke while smelling of feces.

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